How to Cut Your Time to Hire in Half (at Least)

The steps you take to hire a driver and grow your fleet should involve a mobile-friendly job application.
When a driver leaves your company or your business is growing, getting drivers behind the wheel as quickly as possible becomes your primary goal. If your hiring process is not so efficient, however, you could be waiting weeks, or even months, before the right candidate joins your fleet.
How can you speed up this often sluggish process? Start with a digital application.
Expedite Hiring with a Mobile-Friendly Job App
If you’re still using a paper application, candidates aren’t getting the best first impression of your company. It’s simply not convenient for them to come to your place of business, pick up an application, fill out pages and pages of information when they can find the time, and finally return it to you. Plus, the chances of human errors and legibility issues are higher.
Using a completely digital application removes the inconvenience and error factors from this portion of your hiring process. Instead of flipping through numerous pages of information to determine if a candidate is qualified for your open position, you can find out with just a few clicks or taps through the short-form application.
Speaking of that, having a job application that’s short and to the point means more candidates are likely to complete it. It’s even better if they can save their progress and finish it when it’s most convenient for them.
Wondering where you can find a short, digital, driver-friendly application like the one we’re describing? Look no further than Dash, Foley's hiring, screening, and onboarding software.
Reducing Your Time-to-Hire Starts Here
In addition to all the advantages we’ve mentioned, Dash allows drivers to take photos of their CDL and medical certificates from their preferred mobile devices, and you’re sent a notification once they’ve submitted the completed application.
This, in turn, makes the rest of the hiring and onboarding processes easier for you. All the information you need to perform required background screens and assemble the new employee’s Driver Qualification File is included in the initial application.
Combining all these factors means a quicker time to hire for both you and your prospective drivers. Once you’ve decided to switch to a digital application, the next step is converting all your DOT compliance programs to one easy-to-use software.
The Finishing Touch: Convenient DOT Compliance Software
The best way to reduce your time to hire overall is with an innovative software solution that not only includes this application but also all your other compliance programs.
The beauty of using software like this is having one place to access, store, and manage your driver files, background screens, drug and alcohol testing forms and results, DOT Clearinghouse queries, and MVR checks.
Shuffling papers will become a thing of the past, and you’ll no longer need to switch between multiple programs. In the long term, passing audits will be a breeze, too!
A software solution that automates your compliance tasks will also make your life easier. For instance, whenever your driver files need attention, such as when a driver’s CDL is going to expire, you’ll receive an instant notification with plenty of time to take corrective action before the expiration date passes you by.
Foley Helps Koppers Reduce Hiring & Onboarding Time by 85%
Choosing the right software partner involves looking at customer success stories, and we’re happy to share one that will make your compliance software decision easier.
Once they chose to work with Foley, Koppers, Inc., a company with over 350 drivers, started seeing a huge difference in their hiring, onboarding, and compliance efforts.
From their humble beginnings of two-week hiring and onboarding processes with a paper application, Foley helped transition them to our Dash. They received more applications than ever before, and their new hires from those applications are getting in the driver’s seat in record time.
Koppers’ Corporate Fleet Safety Manager, Kathy Jones, said: “It was taking us two weeks to onboard a new employee and get them to orientation, now it only takes two days.”
Does this sound like an ideal timeframe for your hiring and onboarding periods? See Dash and the Foley Platform in action by requesting a free demo of our compliance software. It’s the first step toward cutting your time to hire in half – or just about!
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