July 2022 Significant Rulemaking Report

Another quiet month in the regulation aspect has passed us by, but now is the time to prepare for Brake Safety Week and submit your comments on a few notices from the FMCSA.
Countdown to Brake Safety Week
We’ve covered what you can expect and how to get your fleet ready for Brake Safety Week in our recent blog article, but here’s another reminder of this important safety event: the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) annual brake system check will occur August 21-27, 2022. You can expect enforcement officers to inspect the brakes on your commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and be on the lookout for other important safety measures beyond mechanical components.
Inspection Season Has Arrived – Are You Ready?
Now that the event is less than a month away, you should be thoroughly inspecting your trucks to ensure they’re in tip-top condition and reminding your drivers of the inevitable roadside inspections that they will likely face during their trips.
FMCSA Requesting Commentary on Multiple Information Collection Requests
In three notices published on July 11th, the FMCSA requests approval to renew the information collection requests (ICRs) for the Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program (SDAP), Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers Regulations, and the Motor Carrier Identification Report. This is an attempt to comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, which aims to alleviate the public of the burdens associated with providing required information to the federal government, including time, effort, and monetary costs.
Apprenticeship Pilot Program Information Request
We’ve covered the SDAP in another helpful blog article if you need a refresher on the initiative. The SDAP ICR was previously approved under emergency procedures on January 24th, 2022, and is set to expire on July 31st, 2022.
Under the new ICR, the FMCSA would like to determine the safety impacts of allowing younger drivers to operate commercial motor vehicles throughout multiple states. The ICR will include data collected on drivers and carriers participating in the pilot program.
You can see the entire notice here and provide your comments on it here by August 10th, 2022.
HOS Regulations Burden Hours
As we’re sure you’re familiar with, the HOS regulations require carriers to install electronic logging devices (ELDs) for drivers to report their record of duty status (RODS) to ensure compliance with limiting driver on-duty time. Like nearly all other rulings, the HOS regulations require carriers to complete and submit paperwork to the FMCSA.
The transportation industry continues to grow, and the FMCSA understands this comes with extra burdens placed on companies within it. Currently, the information collection (IC) paperwork burden estimate of the HOS regulations for all of North America is 41.04 hours, which is set to expire on July 31st, 2022. The FMCSA is requesting to revise the IC paperwork burden to 50.37 million hours.
You can take a look at the complete notice here and leave your comments on the paperwork burden estimate or other aspects of the notice here by August 10th, 2022.
Motor Carrier Identification Report
Under current FMCSA regulations, all new motor carriers must file Form MCS–150 titled, ‘‘Motor Carrier Identification Report,” or Form MCS–150B titled, ‘‘Combined Motor Carrier Identification Report and HM Permit Applications.’’ This applies to all carriers participating in interstate commerce, intrastate commerce transporting hazardous materials, or international commerce. The forms ensure regulated businesses are registered with the DOT.
Existing applicants are to use the MCS– 150 or MCS–150B to update their information in the Motor Carrier Management Information System. Applicants filing for the first time will be required to file online. Mexico-based carriers that seek authority to operate beyond the United States municipalities on the United States-Mexico border and their commercial zones are to use the MCS– 150 or MCS–150B.
In this notice, the FMCSA is capturing the burden of continued use of the MCS–150 or MCS– 150B for motor carriers updating their registration information and for the registration of carriers based in Mexico.
You’ll find the entire notice here and you can leave your comments on the form burden or other parts of the notice here by August 10th, 2022.
See the complete Significant Rulemaking Report to keep up with new FMCSA announcements.
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