July 2024: What's New in Safety & DOT Compliance

Summer celebrations are in full swing! Here are some important July 2024 safety events to take note of.
NHTSA Vehicle Theft Prevention Month
Most people probably think they’ll never have a vehicle stolen from them, but it’s actually a very common problem. Vehicle theft occurs every 39 seconds in the U.S., and 804,400 motor vehicles were stolen in 2020!
That’s why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) encourages drivers everywhere to be more aware of the circumstances surrounding vehicle theft. This PDF from the NHTSA can provide your fleet with helpful reminders to recognize when it can happen and how to stay safe.
UV Safety Awareness Month
Yet another issue most drivers don’t take into consideration is the danger of ultraviolet (UV) rays, especially while on the open road. While the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising this month, consider stressing the importance of protecting the skin, eyes, and lips from UV rays to your employees.
Exposure to UV rays, both from the sun and artificial sources like tanning beds or welding torches, causes most skin cancers. Taking extra precautions like applying (and re-applying) sunscreen, wearing sunglasses, and keeping lip balm with SPF handy can significantly reduce the risk of these cancers. Now go have some fun in the sun!
Upcoming July 2024 Awareness & Safety Events
Fourth of July
Even after Independence Day has passed, the festivities may still carry on and have lingering effects, such as drinking and driving. According to Traffic Safety Marketing (TSM) data, 493 people died in motor vehicle crashes over the July 4th holiday period (6 p.m. July 2 – 5:59 a.m. July 6) in 2020. Alcohol-impaired driving crashes contributed to 41 percent of those fatalities.
Now is the perfect time to emphasize to your employees that buzzed driving is drunk driving and that it's unacceptable on and off the job. It’s also a perfect opportunity to make sure your DOT drug and alcohol testing programs and policies are compliant and up to date.
CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Operation Safe Driver Week will be taking place July 7-13, 2024. This year’s focus is reckless, careless, and dangerous driving.
Law enforcement will be on the lookout for unsafe driving practices throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico. Remind your drivers to avoid speeding, driving drunk or under the influence, driving distracted, and other risky behaviors while behind the wheel. This should be their mindset every time they sit in the driver’s seat — and not just during this annual safety event.
Find out more about Operation Safe Driver Week in this Foley article: Are You Ready for CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week?
IFTA Fuel Tax Reminder
Even though the month of July has just started, don’t forget – 2nd Quarter IFTA fuel taxes are due on July 31!
Stay Up to Date on All Things DOT Compliance with Foley
No matter how busy the summer 2024 season gets, Foley has your back with the latest DOT compliance updates.
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