In this series of videos, you will learn how to successfully manage all of your programs with Foley, access your drug testing information, action your driver file alerts and notifications, manage your employee list as well as view and pay your invoices with just a few simple clicks!
Getting Started | Portal Overview | Compliance Requirements | Managing Your Programs
Managing Employee Lists
Don’t guess who is active on your Foley account! In this video, you will learn how to view and manage your employee list through Foley’s online employee management portal!
Paying and Managing Invoices
Make invoice management work for you! In this video learn how to access and pay open invoices online, review historical paid invoices quickly, instant access to paid receipts, as well as updating your credit card and the ability to print for hard copy payment.
Test Results, Notifications and Scheduling
Never worry about misplacing your drug testing documents again! In this video, you will learn how to access your drug testing notifications and results, order more Chain of custody forms and schedule an electronic drug test online!
Accessing and Printing Your Driver Cards and Certificate of Enrollment
Want to ensure that your company and your drivers have proof of enrollment in a DOT compliant random drug testing program? In this video, you will learn how to access, download and print your unique driver wallet cards and certificate of enrollment as proof of your business’s compliance.
Managing Alerts and Notifications
Unsure about the status of your driver files? With Foley’s online portal, you never have to guess! In this video, you will learn how to view alerts and notifications for items that require your attention, learn what alerts and notifications mean and how to update your driver file information electronically.