Longer Drug Testing Turnaround Times Cause Frustration Among Motor Carriers

Due to issues that have been caused by this transition, many employers have been waiting weeks to get their drug and alcohol testing results.
There are two key reasons why:
#1: Many employers are still using the old CCF forms. When an employer uses one of the old CCF forms, the collection site is then required to complete a separate affidavit before the sample is sent to the lab. At Foley, we’re seeing many instances where the collection site failed to send the needed affidavit, which is required before the laboratory is able to run the drug test. Compounding the problem, is that labs are struggling to manage these affidavits and get them processed in a timely fashion. This is creating a 3-5 day backlog at many labs.
#2: High demand for the new CCF forms. As employers scramble to get their hands on the new CCF forms, labs are seeing a large influx of orders that they’re struggling to complete. Lab staffing shortages is making this problem worse and making it difficult for labs to fulfill orders quickly.
The Importance of Partnering With a Digital Drug Testing Partner
We’ve been talking about the benefits of going digital for a while now, and if you weren’t yet convinced to make the switch, we hope this avoidable slowdown will change your mind. Although there are still some collection sites that don’t accept electronic Custody and Control forms, many do. And when you work with a digital partner such as Foley, we’ll help you locate labs in your area that operate electronically so that you can ditch the paper completely.
By going digital, you don’t have to worry when an updated form comes out. You also don’t have to worry about legibility and transcription errors that can create further delays in the process.
And if a situation arises where a paper CCF is needed (it’s not available everywhere just yet), we’ll make sure you’re using the correct form.
Are You Using the Correct Paper Form?
If you do need to use paper, and you aren’t sure if you’re using the most up-to-date Custody and Control Form, there’s an easy way to find out:
- Does “Step 1” ask for the Donor’s SSN or CDL number?
- Is “Oral Fluid” testing referenced in Step 2?
If the above are both true, you’re all set. If not, you’ll need to make the switch immediately. Please contact Foley for help.
Please note: While Oral Fluid is included on the new CCF, it is not yet a DOT-authorized testing method. As of this article’s publication date, urine testing is the only approved method of conducting a DOT drug test.
Keep in mind, that as the industry fully transitions to the new forms, and the labs catch up, delays will occur – and should be expected for the coming months (whether you’re using paper or electronic forms). If you’re a Foley customer, you should have the correct forms you need, as we provided all of our drug and alcohol testing customers with the new forms beginning in March.
Please know that we’re doing everything in our power to keep your drug and alcohol tests moving along as quickly as possible. We know it’s frustrating and will continue to keep you updated about this situation.
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