It’s that time of year again: the annual Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) period will open soon. At that time, all motor carriers who will operate in 2022 will need to purchase an updated registration. Registration officially opens on October 1, 2021.
Didn’t I Just Purchase a UCR?
Because it is an annual registration, motor carriers are required to purchase a UCR each year. Although the registration process was plagued by delays for a few years, the UCR Board announced over the summer that registration would be held on time for 2022. If you operate as an interstate motor carrier, and are operating next year, you’ll need to purchase a UCR.
Can I Purchase a Multi-Year UCR?
No, UCRs are issued on an annual basis for the upcoming year only – something that often gets confusing for drivers with other multi-year registrations (such as hazmat). As of now, there is no plans to issue multi-year UCRs to carriers.
What if I Didn’t Purchase a UCR Last Year?
If you were operating in 2021 and didn’t have a UCR, you’ll need to pay those registration fees, as well. If you order your UCR through Foley, you can purchase both a 2021 and 2022 UCR during the checkout process.
What if I Don’t Update my UCR?
Anyone caught operating without a valid UCR will be subject to fines as high as $2,000 depending on the state where you live. Some enforcement officials will also detain your vehicle if you’re caught driving over state lines.
How Much Does it Cost?
The cost of your 2022 UCR will depend on how many trucks your business operates, with the lowest fees going to 1-2 truck carriers. For a full breakdown of fees, please view the chart on this page:
Here at Foley, we’ll keep you updated with all the latest UCR registration news – including when and how to register. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 253-5506.
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